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Creating environments on Conda

This week I started studying Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics with Python. As many, I use Conda for managing my Python environments and packages. On this post I will cover how to create new environments on Conda and how to use them with JupyterLab.

Improve your daily workflow with jumpapp

Most "advanced" users will always recommend using keyboard shortcuts whenever possible, no matter which system or application you are using. In this post I'm going to touch the process of launching and switching applications.

Disabling GRUB graphical theme

I've been using Antergos/Arch Linux for a couple of years after switching from Ubuntu GNOME, and although I don't dislike the shipped graphical GRUB theme (depicted below), I always found it unnecessary and in some resolutions the background image is stretched.

Custom domains and HTTPS with Github Pages

One of the main reasons people point out to use a custom domain is that people will take your website more seriously. I personally just did it because it's relatively cheap and because I wanted to learn on the process.

On this post I will try to explain shortly my (mis)adventures on setting up my own custom domain.