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The goal of {neuronsim} is to simulate the dynamics of neuronal ensembles using the model of FREs and QIF neurons.


The development version can be installed from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")



init_state <- c(r = 0, v = -2)
params <- c(delta = 1, etabar = -5, J = 15)
times_seq <- seq(from = -10, to = 40, by = 0.001)
current <- constant_input(t, current = 3, t_start = 0, t_end = 30)

The macroscopic dynamics of neuronal ensembles can be described by solving the firing-rate equations (FREs):

fre_output <- solve_fre(
  params = params,
  init_state = init_state,
  times = times_seq,
  input = current,
  method = "rk4"

The microscopic dynamics of neuronal ensembles can be described by running a QIF neurons simulation:

qif_output <- simulate_qif(
  params = params,
  init_state = init_state,
  times = times_seq,
  input = current(times_seq)

To plot the macroscopic and microscopic dynamics of the ensemble we can run:

  data = list(fre_output, qif_output$data),
  raster_data = qif_output$raster
Alfredo Hernández
Alfredo Hernández
Physicist and Data Scientist

I have a passion for technology, maths, and design.
